Natural Climate Solutions

Managing and restoring ecosystems to benefit our climate

North America's leading nature-based project developer and carbon credit portfolio


In partnership with landowners, our forest carbon and nature-based projects are positively changing landscapes and generating trusted, third-party verified conservation and registry-tagged removal credits. Our experience, cutting-edge technology, and unwavering commitment to ground truth has ranked Anew as Environmental Finance’s Best Project Developer (North American Markets) for eight consecutive years.

NCS Trees

Maximizing impact & carbon revenue

We specialize in helping you generate a new source of revenue from sustainable land management practices. Our efficient and proprietary process enables us to generate the greatest value and climate benefit from your land. With over 120 projects underway, you're in experienced hands.

Land management for the climate


Forestry projects




Acres of indigenous-owned projects

NCS Measuring

Measurable climate benefit

To participate in a forest carbon project, there must be an opportunity to reduce emissions through climate conscious forest management. We'll help you understand your options and what program engagement and ongoing evaluation entails.

Three steps to realizing carbon revenue

feasibility study

feasibility study

Our team of professional foresters offer no-cost, efficient evaluations of project performance and economics. 

credit development

credit development

Anew executes and finances all activities required to register and sell carbon credits.

marketing and sales

marketing and sales

The size and diversity of our carbon credit portfolio is unmatched, as is our team’s expertise in ensuring your project's profitability.

Quantifying impact for carbon credit assurance

Anew's Epoch™ Evaluation Platform combines the latest advancements in high-frequency satellite monitoring, AI, and ground-level data collection to yield previously unachievable levels of accuracy for credit generation and additionality substantiation.

learn more
Ongoing additionality evaluation

Project examples on private, public, and indigenous lands

Rusk County Forestry Project

The Anew – Rusk County Forestry Project is located on 79,307 acres of northern hardwood, aspen, and oak forest in Rusk County, Wisconsin. The County has practiced intensive commercial harvesting across its ownership since first enrolling its land under Wisconsin’s Forest Crop Law

Doyon Forestry Project

The Doyon Native Community Forest Project is located on 172,737 acres of boreal forest across Alaska’s Yukon-Koyukuk and Southeast Fairbanks boroughs, and is the property of Doyon, Limited, a for-profit corporation owned and managed by Alaska Native shareholders. Historically,

Allagash Headwaters Forestry Project

Allagash Headwaters is located on approximately 14,800 acres in the industrial forests of northern Maine and owned by Hull Forestlands Maine. The Hull family of companies, which includes timberland scattered across New England and a sawmill in Pomfret Center Connecticut, focuses

Common questions about land enrollment

4,000 contiguous or non-contiguous acres is the approximate bare minimum footprint for a viable project.
The implications on land management are directly related to the project type chosen. Generally speaking, improved forest management projects do not allow harvesting to exceed forest growth, but harvesting is still permitted. If commercial harvesting is undertaken on the project area, either certification under FSC, SFI, ATFS, or a state approved forest management plan must be maintained. Additionally, compliance projects face restrictions on the size of even-aged harvests and are not permitted to utilize broadcast fertilization.
Length of commitment is dependent on project type and can range from 40 years for voluntary projects to over 100 years for compliance projects.
Voluntary projects are subject to the rulesets/protocols designated by the various voluntary offset registries (e.g. ACR, CAR, Verra, etc.). Compliance projects are subject to the California Air Resource Board’s Cap-And-Trade Regulation and the associated Forest Offset Protocol. Voluntary and compliance credits have different communities of buyers and trade at different pricing levels.
Anew leverages decades of experience along with proprietary software to determine your carbon yield. We evaluate forest stocking, age, species and other data to perform complex calculations in accordance with both voluntary and compliance carbon offset standards. Please contact us to begin the evaluation process and get your free estimate.
Credits can take anywhere from 18 to 24 months to generate, depending on many factors including: project type, location, forest heterogeneity, verifiers’ schedules, and regulatory body backlogs. Anew manages your project from start to finish, using our reputation and experience with regulators and verifiers to advocate for your project and ensure credits are generated as efficiently as possible.
Mangrove Photo

Anew is active in Blue Carbon

Coastal and marine ecosystems are vital to the health of our planet, serving as nursery grounds for marine life, filtration systems for onshore runoff, and natural storm surge buffers. Marine plants also naturally capture and store substantial amounts of carbon. Development, deforestration, and damaging upstream activities can release carbon into the atmosphere. Carbon projects incentivize carbon to be stored in this way and offer legally enforceable protection. We can determine if you have a viable blue carbon project and help you make the most of the opportunity by bringing it to market.

Did you know

5 %

5% of U.S. timberlands change hands each year for investment, development, and wood product purposes. Landowner intent by itself does not guarantee long-term forest protection, but carbon projects do.

Our work in action

feasibility assessment

Our team provides an initial feasibility assessment of any property larger than 4,000 forested acres—free of charge within the United States and Canada. Fill out this form to get started and our forestry team will be in touch.

American Carbon Registry
Climate Action Reserve
Oak Hill Advisors